Do you think that living in a perfect world would help to keep you from sinning? What if everything in your life was complete and without problems, would you be different from who you are today?
So many times we blame our boss, our teacher, our hurtful friend or our unkind relatives for our "mistakes."
The story of Adam and Eve shows us how we would fare if given a chance to live in a world of plenty where everything was picture-perfect, and we would want for nothing. We would be just like Adam and Eve. It would only be a matter of time before we made the same mistake. They had no problems. God gave them life and was the perfect Father. He never abused them—no dysfunctional family or relatives to deal with. They never experienced or witnessed suffering, death or pain.
For us however, we do not live in Paradise. Temptation is always there. Sin is crouching at our doorsteps. We will fall into the deception of Satan from time to time. But praise God that he had a plan through grace, an amazing plan available whenever we call upon him. This grace should motivate us, move us and compel us to resist Satan’s schemes. God knows that we are imperfect, so he made a special contingency plan that would cost him everything he had.
He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time.
(2 Timothy 1:9, NIV)
Praise God that his grace makes up for all our imperfections and faults, especially since we live in a sinful world!
So many times we blame our boss, our teacher, our hurtful friend or our unkind relatives for our "mistakes."
The story of Adam and Eve shows us how we would fare if given a chance to live in a world of plenty where everything was picture-perfect, and we would want for nothing. We would be just like Adam and Eve. It would only be a matter of time before we made the same mistake. They had no problems. God gave them life and was the perfect Father. He never abused them—no dysfunctional family or relatives to deal with. They never experienced or witnessed suffering, death or pain.
For us however, we do not live in Paradise. Temptation is always there. Sin is crouching at our doorsteps. We will fall into the deception of Satan from time to time. But praise God that he had a plan through grace, an amazing plan available whenever we call upon him. This grace should motivate us, move us and compel us to resist Satan’s schemes. God knows that we are imperfect, so he made a special contingency plan that would cost him everything he had.
He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time.
(2 Timothy 1:9, NIV)
Praise God that his grace makes up for all our imperfections and faults, especially since we live in a sinful world!